Course Description


The curriculum introduces the ethics of person and society in shih chi.By discussing the classics and claiming students to write the homework, students could comprehend and reflect the cultivation of ethics. Besides, students could earn the critical thinking and realize the value of ethics througt action learning.

Course Objectives

  • 教學目標分成兩個層次,終程目標乃協助同學培養正確的倫理觀念和價值觀,訓練其獨立思考的能力和多面向的分析角度,漸臻博雅教育的目標。短程目標乃希冀同學透過行動學習的課程設計,在強調「活化經典」的學習模式下,以參照經典,建立對實際行動認知概念系統及認知模式,以及行動的有效模式;一以提昇運用到實際情境中解決所遭遇問題的能力,再以學習在面對倫理衝突時,從事行動的反思,以改善行動的實踐能力。將經典與倫理行動結合,經由經典的倡導與學習,以積累創新知識所需的概念、知識、價值觀念,並藉由文化經典的範例學習深化同學的文化素養與行動實踐能力。
  • The teaching goal divides into two levels, the regulation goal is finally assists schoolmate to raise the correct ethics idea and the values, trains analysis angle which its independent thinking ability and faces much, gradually reaches the learned education the goal. The short distance goal is hoped for that schoolmate by the motion study's curriculum project, in emphasized “activation classics” under the study pattern, refers to the classics, establishes to the practical action cognition concept system and the cognition pattern, as well as motion effective pattern; One promotes to utilize in the actual situation to solve encounters the question ability, studies again the ethics conflict, improves the motion the practical ability. The classics and ethics motion union, by way of the classics initiative and the study, accumulates the concept which, the knowledge, the value idea, the innovation knowledge needs, and deepens schoolmate's cultural accomplishment and the motion practical ability because of the cultural classics' model study.

Course Contents


By the curriculum narrated, that multimedia forms teaching, classroom inquiry, group discussion , and assists by “the beautiful card” that the achievement encourages schoolmate to ask a question.



By the teaching materials from the teacher and "Shih chi" (different versions)  



Component Percentage
1.平時成績-妙麗卡10、分組討論表現10、出席率10 30%
2.學習單(與反思日誌)-學習單20、反思日誌20 40%
3.期末作業佔-「小人物列傳」10、「說故事任務」10、成果展動態表現10 30%



Required Textbook

(3)Appleby, J.(阿普爾比)等著,劉北成、薛絢譯,《歷史的真相》,北京:中央編譯出版社,1998年5月。
(7)Micheal Stanford(麥克‧史丹福)著,劉世安譯,《歷史研究導論》,2001年8月。
(8)Donald A. Ritchie(唐諾‧里齊)著、王芝芝譯,《大家來做口述歷史》,台北市:遠流出版社,民86年。