Course Description

講演:1.介紹中藥之炮製法、藥性及應用 2.介紹中藥炮製前後之不同及注意事項 3.介紹中藥炮製品常用之方劑實驗:1.藉由操作了解藥材在不同炮製方法處理下之變化,包含色澤、藥性改變等各種變化。 2.經由現代的改進方式改善炮製方法,縮短時程或增強其效力等,使中藥炮製更具科學化。

The Preparation of Chinese drugs & laboratory will prepare the Chinese drug to change drug's active or drug's toxin.

Course Objectives


Instruction the student related traditional Chinese medicine preparation the knowledge and the application.

Course Contents

1.講授各種中藥之炮製法 2.講授各種中藥在臨床之應用 3. 經實驗操作實地了解炮製之成果

The introduction each kind of traditional Chinese medicine prepares methods and clinical application.

Required Textbook

 1.常用中藥之炮製 顏焜熒 2.原色中藥飲片圖鑑 顏焜熒 3.國內外相關學術雜誌

 Domestic and foreign related academic magazine


Component Percentage
隨堂考 30%
期中考 35%
期末考 35%