Course Description


The biomedical imaging course is one-semester graduate course. This course is strongly linked to the biomedical applications. The aim of this course is to introduce the frontier imaging techniques for analyzing and measuring structure and function of the biological systems ranging from DNA to cell and to tissues. MATLAB-based applications for image processing will be also included in this course.


The aim of this course is to introduce the frontier techniques for analyzing and measuring structure and function of the biological systems ranging from DNA to cell and to tissues

Course Objectives

  • The aim of this course is to introduce the frontier techniques for analyzing and measuring structure and function of the biological systems ranging from DNA to cell and to tissues.


出席率 10%、團體報告 30%、作業 20%、隨堂考 10%、資料蒐集 10%、技術實作 20%

(10%、Group report 30%、Home work 20%、Quiz 10%、Data collection 10%、Technical practice 20%)